1st Amendment Auditor

You Couldn't Get A Better Lawsuit Than This! Corrupt Cops CAUGHT On Their Own Bodycam!

Deputy Sheriffs Attempt To Escalate Encounter With 1st Amendment Auditor!

Cops Ask for ID and Get OWNED Instead #4 | First Amendment Audit

How First Amendment auditors became YouTube stars

Auditor Wins $41,000 For A Five Minute Detainment | 1st Amendment Audit

How state is asking employees to handle so-called '1st Amendment Auditors'

Female Cops Get Owned & Dismissed By Perfect Sergeant! Trespass Fail. First Amendment Audit

These CLUELESS Cops Will Cost Their City Millions

Deputy Karen Gets SCHOOLED on the Law by Informed Citizen

He STOOD UP To The Cops And WON! This Is How You DEFEND Your Rights!

Sheriff’s Deputies Attempt To INTIMIDATE Journalist But FAIL Misrably! 1st Amendment Audit

Auditor arrested by Uneducated Rookie ~ ID Refusal ~ 1st Amendment Audit ~ Civil Rights Violation

Father and Son Force Cops to Give Up and Leave

1st Amendment Auditor and BIG 'Youtuber James Freeman1' Arrested by Arkansas State Police

DeLand creates new policy against recording after ‘First Amendment auditor’ incidents

First Amendment Auditors prompt discussions in northern Michigan

Tampa Police Department says First Amendment audit's serve to bait officers

Sheriff Deputy Fails to GASLIGHT Auditor On Traffic Stop! Sheriff Wayne Ivey EXPOSED!

Comedian Caught Imitating 1st Amendment Auditor! *HILARIOUS* (Long Island Audit Reacts)

First Amendment Auditors Explained (Super Useless)

Fearless Man Stands His Ground Against Corrupt Cops

Cops Get SUED After INSANE Arrest And Use Of Force!

Activist CONFRONTS Legislature Over Police Department’s 1st Amendment Retaliation & Hypocrisy!

Good Cop STANDS UP To Corrupt Security Guard And Defends Citizen's Rights!